Monday, August 1, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I can do this.
Sometimes I get the contact in on the first try.
Sometimes it stays in all day.
Sometimes we reach patch time goal.
Sometimes this feels normal.

Sometimes I feel like I can't do this.
Sometimes it takes 20 min. before I get the contact in.
Sometimes my hands start shaking.
Sometimes I can feel Easton's heart beating while I am trying to get it in.
Sometimes I just hold him tight and we try again later.

Sometimes I see the contact fall out.
Sometimes I find it on my knee, on the floor, in his hair, on his butt.
Sometimes I find it on the tip of Azalea's finger.
Sometimes I find the contact days, weeks later.
Sometimes I don't find the contact at all.

Sometimes I forget that Easton has a patch on his face.
Sometimes his smile is actually bigger than the size of his patch.
Sometimes the twinkle in his eyes can be seen even through the patch.
Sometimes he laughs while I'm putting the patch on.
Sometimes I feel progress.

Sometimes my heart breaks when I put the patch over his sweet little face.
Sometimes he is immediately annoyed.
Sometimes he just keeps rubbing and rubbing and rubbing the patch.
Sometimes I know he is crying because he wants the patch off.
Sometimes I feel like giving up.

Sometimes I feel alone.
Sometimes this is too much for me.
Sometimes I notice all the tension I'm holding in my body.
Sometimes I just don't understand why.
Sometimes I wish his eye will just magically heal.

Sometimes I know I'm not the only one.
Sometimes I believe everything happens for a reason.
Sometimes I just take a deep breath.
Sometimes reading a blog helps.
Sometimes writing a blog helps.


  1. Wow. You wrote that wonderfully. It's like you were inside my head. You aren't alone. As much as it sucks it's nice to know other moms are out there feeling the same things. You are doing a great job!

  2. She's right! You are not alone!Also, saw your comment & Anderson's skin is always raw where he rips it off, but it is much, much better when we use milk of magnesia on his skin first, let it dry and the put the patch on. Also, the nexcare patches irritated his skin a lot. The krafty patches don't seem to do it as often. And, I try to put lotion around his eye at night so at least it is getting some kind of love.

  3. Maybe she is in our heads, Karla. :)
    Crazy how alone I feel in this, and then I read this and I realize that I am not alone at all. I am completely normal. Well maybe not completely, but relatively speaking. :)

  4. Hey ladies! Just wanted to say thanks for the support... I know I am not alone all thanks to you! I honestly don't know where I would be right now if I hadn't found a support group like ours, even if it is only in cyber world. It means everything to me that you all are here right all with me for this crazy ride. And I love that when any of us has a concern ie, turns, squints, sores, etc. One of us is bound to have something useful to say. Its keeps me from having to make one more frantic phone call to my PO. Easton's sore is healing and the milk of magnesia has been applied. A big heartfelt hug to all of you!


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