Friday, February 10, 2012


No I am not
talking about
although I wish
I was...

More like a
BitterSweet Bath
you know
the one
the twins
last night
where somehow
we managed
to lose
our LAST

I remember
days when
Easton would actually
during bath time!
Ha, those where
the days.

As you can imagine
I rarely
take pictures
during bath time
for a variety
of reasons

but a main one
is so I
can keep an eye
on the Eye
or rather
the contact.

Well I've officially
learned my lesson
no more
wearing the contact
in the tub.
I refuse to allow
this to happen

It's gone
somewhere between
soapy hands

and silly photos
of wet hair

and shinny baby skin
it's GONE.

Children were removed
bath toys were examined
water was sifted
flashlights were glowing
hours later
kids in bed
who knows?!
It's gone.

Which means
no backup
and more
of that

Contact free
Patch free

Worry free?!
Not so much

You would think
days like this
feel great
like a vacation
or what have you
but not really.

At the heart
of all the
contact and patching
I really just want
what is best
for my son
taking breaks
whether planned
or NOT
is not what is
for him.
I know it
I feel it.

Which is why
the next few days
until the new
comes in
will most definitely




  1. I need some chocolate. By some, I mean a ton. We lost one yesterday 30 minutes after I put it in. So 6 hour of searching later. All plans cancelled that day. It is still GONE! Must have been the day for it. The backup keeps getting stuck in the back of his eye. Much screaming and red eyes. Lovely, right?

    The two or three days off won't probably affect his vision. But Austin always kicks a real fit when we start again. I think because he thought he was done for good. Good luck and hopefully speedy shipping!

    Nice hair-dos... They have beautiful hair!

    P.S. We always take the contact out before bath too. Almost lost one that way. CRAZY contacts! I seen him rub it out and caught it.

    1. Thanks Missy, I do need a chocolate break for sure!!!

      I don't think we will lose any ground patching wise, the Dr. says don't go any more than 2 weeks. The contact will be in by then. That's another reason why I worried about the glaucoma surgery... recovery is a month and I was afraid of losing all that time. Oh well that's a different mountain on a different day.

      Anyway I should have learned from your previous bath post!!! My super radar eyes have failed me and water is no friend to finding lost contacts.

  2. ugh...I am so sorry. Enjoy the patchfree time!!! =)

  3. I do love dark chocolate:)

    I know you're worried and I'm sorry. If it helps at all, we didn't even start patching Anderson at all until he was 11 months old! So, you have to think about the difference a head start makes, even if there are setbacks along the way.

    Also, I forgot to tell you this, I am SO excited about glasses!!! I think they made our patching a bit better because it was an obstacle he had to get through. Plus, I really, really just think they are cute:)

    You are awesome and it is ok to worry, too.

  4. It's crazy that worry over missed patch time, isn't it? Somewhere deep in my head I KNOW that a day or two isn't that bad, but it feels so... devastating! I agree with the above post, you are awesome!
    We've lost one in the bath, but I'm still too lazy to take it out before bath. Maybe that is because baths are so rarely planned in our house, either they are necessary (and I don't dare take a contact out through messy face/hair/etc) or he jumps in with his sister. :)
    Love the pics, as always!

  5. Ok I HAVE to leave this comment... I BELIEVE IN THE CONTACT FAIRY!

    Days later and after a failed attempt at a new contact fitting, she delivered. Or should I say my husband is an amazing contact hunter! He found it while cleaning the bathroom (yes, I know he is an amazing husband that cleans as well). He wasn't even looking for it, we thought is was down the drain. But there it was sitting right on top of the scale, apparently waiting to be weighed in like it was the "biggest looser" or something, ha!

    We still need to get a new one because Easton's prescription changed and possibly try to find a better fit... but now in the meantime he can at least wear this and patch patch patch. OMG chocolate has never tasted so SWEET! Bye bye bitter.

    1. Very happy for you! That is insane.

      I would like you to send her to me for a day. We lost the back-up last night. :/


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