Monday, December 10, 2012

Hol EYE days!

I just started
to blog
and then I stopped
got up and went
to crack open
an ice cold beer
took a sip
set it down
and started over

insert second sip here
what am I looking for

buckle your seat belts
we are going for
a wild ride
ha, not exactly
really in the big picture
things are status quo
but if I am being honest

I drove home today
from where else
another Eye Dr. apt.
not in full blown hysterics
but with a pit
a nasty well known knot
in my stomach
and tears
on the edges of
my eyes
and in my heart

wondering why
yes, exactly
wondering why
happy tears
sad tears
grateful tears
mad tears
relieved tears
fearful tears
or how about
all of the above

She just stole it and ran...

let's start with
something easy

She is anything and everything but easy!
a year ago
the PO checked her eyes
normal for premies
like her
she showed some
minor concerns
so Doc wanted her back
in a year... today
she was a pro
so proud to be brave
just like her brother
both eyes healthy
both eyes normal
girlfriend tested
20/30 in both eyes
of course I played
the what if game
so so glad
we just dodged
that bullet
huge relief

beer gone
just went and
got another
think what you want
keepin it real

My bare faced boy.

ok so the story
you are probably
waiting for
Easton and the Eye
ummm where do I
just begin
with good news
for the first time
with his good eye
glasses on
Easton tested 20/30
yes, I just said that
he will read
he will drive
his good eye works
more relief

My totally handsome boy.

so the vision
in his bad eye
is stable
is developing
due to lack of
he only tested
in the past he has been
PO is not concerned
he tolerates patching
so continue patching
no binocular vision
probably won't ever
use two eyes

prescriptions stay
the same
not bad
not new
fair enough

My pre-patch boy.
so glaucoma
oh glaucoma
to have
or not to have
that would be
the question

here is where
I just took another
sip of beer

let's just drop
the bomb already
our beloved PO
is leaving the practice

stare at the screen
sip more beer

to put it mildly
her perspective
is proactive
when dealing with
Easton's glaucoma
stay on top of it
beat it down with drops
keep glaucoma away
have I mentioned
I really like her
or that I am really
going to miss her
if I haven't
I will by the end
of this post

our new default PO
the glaucoma specialist PO
is more reactive
in other words
we are now following
his plan of
Easton does not
show signs of
nerve damage
therefore Easton
does not have glaucoma
we will treat it
when we see it
Easton is decreasing
his drop treatment
to ultimately go off drops
until there is damage

let me be clear
I respect his opinion
I will comply with his
he is qualified
he is trusted
he is not
our beloved PO

so today when
Easton's pressure
was elevated
and he showed signs
of slight nerve damage
we did nothing
we will see
the specialist next week

we will only get to see
our beloved PO
one more time
in the spring
before she relocates
to Florida
and I will say
I would have drove
across 3 states
to stay with her
if I could have
but Florida
is a bit too far  :(

she just cares
beyond her expertise
and knowledge
and professionalism
she just cares

we could be
her first
her tenth
her one hundredth case
in a day
or ever
and she makes us feel
like her only

There is my happy baby boy!
in a profession
about eyes
her eyes
say it all

with a diagnosis
that is unpredictable
and realistically
a long hard tough journey
especially on the parents
she gives us hope

when she tells me
it will be ok
I believe her
and that is all
I need to hear
that is all
I have to say...

wondering why
wondering why

second beer is gone
Happy Hol EYE days!

"Oh come on... silly Buddy!" says Easton.  He's hanging from the ceiling fan.


  1. Yeah a blogpost! I have to be totally honest and tell you the gut drop feeling I got when you mentioned your PO was leaving. That is my nightmare. The close second is that our beloved optical tech is pregnant. The only one calm and patient enough to get an IOP from Nicole. I felt that gut drop when I heard she was pregnant. I mean, really, how dare she? LOL. We will be ok, Nicole will be ok and so will Easton and you.
    I am sorry to hear about the glaucoma. Fingers crossed that maybe Easton just wasn't interested in getting his pressures measured and they will be better next week!!
    Glad to hear about the 20/30 for both kids. and 20/150 would make me proud!! Stay strong Momma. You got through it!! Wish we could share a beer....or a caesar together. Goodness knows mine will be waiting for us tomorrow.

  2. Thanks for the update. I so wish your PO was staying. It is like losing a life line or a loved one. And like Karla said, maybe Easton just wasn't as cooperative when getting pressures. Glaucoma is evil and I will drink a beer (or wine) to that.

    20/30 is awesome. Easton is going to be okay. He will drive, he will read, he will watch the sunset...but I understand the tears, let them fall, get them out. Sometimes you just need a big cry and a giant flipping of the bird to fate. You "won" the unluckly lottery of phpv. But - your truly hit the jackpot with Easton. He is a treasure,a spitfire, a spunk that makes your life complete.

    Saying a prayer for the EYE and fo ryou and for your family (and for Karla and Nicole too - since they will be at the PO today). I think tonight I will have a beverage for the both of you...after this week of all our appointments, we need it.

    Hang in there Amanda. You are doing this. You are doing the EYE thing with grace and resiliance. I am jealous sometimes of your spirit and hope that our communication can somehow lift your spirits and encourage you just a fraction of the amount that you lift mine.

  3. So retry....

    I can't imagine losing Dr. Plager. I would cry in the office. I would be devastated. I trust him. It isn't some thing that is easy, to trust your kids vision to someone. It takes time. It takes multiple appointments. I would like the approach of the doctor that is super careful better than the other guy. They have the experience, but we are the ones that worry/think about it all the time. They have 20 minutes with our EYE and then leave to consider the next case.

    That is great for his sound eye. YAY for driving!

    So many "different" faces to love! He is so precious, and so is his sweet twin sister.

    You got this; because you are you, and you are awesome.


  4. Oh such a emotional roller coaster... the life of an iMom is an incredible journey! I do NOT like the thought of any change in doctors... especially not a loved one.
    I am SOOOOO happy for the great eye news, though!
    Love the jammies- love that they are always coloring!
    Love that there was a new blog post.
    Love that those 2 beers really made me want one. :)

    I too am grateful for your spirit and grace and resilience and... guidance really.

  5. I am living your emotional roller coaster. Mallory doesn't go until the 17th (I'm bummed that we missed you this time), but I haven't stopped thinking about it since you told me. Maybe we can 'carpool' to see her. Florida really isn't THAT far :)
    YAY! for good news for both of your babies. They are beautiful and handsome!
    Here's to putting faith in the new doctor! Or searching for a new one together.

  6. why did I think I commented on this already??

    I am so sorry :( Beer and cute pictures do seem to help when I am feeling down, so it seems like you figured that out, too. I know this is devastating. Beyond, really. But, you have made it this far and are so much more informed/knowledgable/proactive with easton now compared to when you started this journey, so I know you are going to make it. This new PO has never seen anyone like you and is going to be shocked/pleasantly surprised at how proactive and questioning you are. Go with your imom instinct and it will be ok. But, it is still ok to be kind of pissed at times. (or all of the time...)

    I do love all their pics!

    He will drive one day!!

    Also, who is Heather? How have I missed the new imom?? Does Mallory have a blog? :)

    We love you!!


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