Monday, November 12, 2012

fast forward focus

I've been meaning
to reflect on our
new life
new routine
new challenges
new changes

but I didn't want
to rush
into a perspective
that felt... forced
I wanted
to give it
the chance to
really settle

and now that
it's November
now that
it's no longer

I'm feeling
among many things
three words

everything is fast
our mornings
our evenings
our days
our weeks
our weekends
the list literally
goes on and on
and it is all
flying past

I know
we are moving
and that makes
me happy
I know that statement
may seem a bit
one might ask
arn't we always
moving forward
and one could
argue that
yes, indeed we are
but even when
time marches
the mind
the body
the heart
the soul
do not follow suit
and for me
right now
all of the above
are moving

I am trying
I am choosing
to focus
on the good
this post
this reflection
this time
could easily
be seen as
anything but good
for example
I began with words
like challenges
and changes
which imply
none of this
has been easy
but regardless
in any situation
there is always
a good
a perspective
a focus

we are adjusting
we have adjusted
we have all
been challenged
made changes
continue to learn
experience growth
and live gratefully

the holiday season
is officially
among us
the Christmas music
has been ringing
the cookie dough
has been baking
and Santa's little helpers

have been
oh so happy

to help

this was 
their first
baking debut

fast forward focus

I couldn't help myself
she has been wearing
Santa jammies
since before
so these outfits
as inappropriate or not
made their
holiday debut
this weekend

fast forward focus

she makes me
and see

he makes me

and feel

they remain

to move fast
to move forward

to keep me

and for that
I am grateful.


  1. Perspective is huge... It is the cornerstone that keeps me balanced. I hate when things move fast and I don't feel like I have enjoyed them properly, because I have been too busy or distracted. But you are doing great. They are happy. THAT is what counts in life. Gotta love happy kiddos!

  2. The kids are so cute. And time does move fast - it is hard to savor the moments. You are doing great. And it is never to early to pull out the holiday gear. Jed has that same bear shirt and he has been wearing it since the weather changed. As the weather changes - we change too. You are walking forward with your own momentum instead of having time drag you forward kicking and screaming. That is definitely a miraculous thing.


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