Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mickey and Minnie

Put on your ears

 It's time for cheers


 and Azalea

are celebrating



This weekend

 our miracles

joined in

on the celebration

and a new chapter


We opened

our hearts

and our home

for family and fun

It was a Happy

2nd Birthday!


  1. Love the cupcakes!! You are so creative. Such a fun theme!! I love two years old so far. there are tantrums for sure, but so much fun and learning and wonderful times!!

    1. Thanks Melissa... I feel like they went to bed and woke up as "big" kids, attitude and all. Two will be interesting to say the least!

      I also must give credit where credit is due, my husband is the master mind behind the tasty treats. If we were in a cupcake challenge setting, I would be the baking assistant! ;)

  2. Glad to hear it was all a success!! Love the patch on Daddy's shirt!! =) Hope the cards got there in time!
    Happy Birthday!!

    1. Karla, the cards arrived with perfect timing and such a sweet surprise! Thank you for thinking of us, so cool to get mail from Canada, ha! Lilia and Nicole can expect a "proper" thank you from Easton and Azalea soon! ;)

  3. Looks like so much fun! Happy late birthday to Easton and Azalea! Two is lots of fun. Lots of challenges, but lots of fun. Just wait! They will be chatting and figuring things out in no time. Where did our babies go?

    1. I just noticed that Easton has Mickey shoes! How cute! And the patch on the shirt really "makes" your husbands outfit. Wouldn't be complete without it!

  4. They are too adorable. I can't believe they are two. I feel like I have "known" them forever in some ways, but in other ways it seems like seconds.

    Love the party theme. Perfection. Love the family picture. The patch had to be a part of it, even if it wasn't attached to his sweet little face.


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