Saturday, July 23, 2011

Warning... Side effects

I've had enough... the contact is in it's case.
I actually got it in this morning on the first try!
He was awake.
It went in.
The world is good.
Not so fast
an hour later, where is the contact?!
Oh wait found it.
AM nap here we come.
Let's just say it wasn't good anymore.
Easton and Mommy need a break.
This roller coaster ride is getting old.
It just doesn't end.
It is the never ending roller coaster.
It is a nightmare.
It consumes me.
How does a tiny, clear disk have so much power.
I feel like it has literally wedged it's self right between
Me and my beautiful, happy, easy going, loving son.
I don't want this role anymore.
I just want to be Mommy.
Nice Mommy, hugging Mommy.
The one with hearts and rainbows and sweet kisses.
Not hold me down, contact shoving, patch Mom.
We are feeling the side effects of Contact Hell
and I want out!
Let me OUT!!!


  1. Love the posts! I know you are so beyond frustrated with that dang contact! I am sorry I cannot offer any advice, but lots of sympathy coming your way!

  2. A baby wearing a contact is just not easy. I don't care how you put it. I am annoyed today as well. The new contact has fallen out 4 times today. Two times at church and one in his high chair and one on our floor that is multi-colored. (insert scream here) When was the last time he had a contact fitting?

  3. Hi Girls... thanks for the support!

    I actually just had to call the contact specialist today. We needed to order more back up contacts, we are down to our last one since one ripped on us last night. Bummer, the drama just continues.

    But his eye measurements were just taken a couple months ago. We have another eye apt. at his 1 year old mark. So I told the contact guy that maybe things will change then? He said considering his age we could possibly be refitting him every 6 months?!


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