Friday, June 1, 2012


I don't know
if it was
the hot weather
or the fact that
her hair is just
getting long
but I tried
and it worked
the girl can rock
a ponytail...

and then it hit me
my babies
aren't really babies

Not too long ago
they would ride
in this stroller
in the infant carriers
now it doubles
as a twin stroller
and a jungle gym.

the everyday
simple things
more and more
easy for them.

They are evermore
aware of
their growth
and growing abilities.

And I am evermore

that this
this time
is quickly
coming to
an end.

Like a swing
I know
as much as
they swing away

they will
swing back.

It's a feeling
in my heart
that I still
am not quite
used to
the wave
the cycle
the joy
the excitement
the evolution
of life

mixed with
the growth
the change
the permanence
that yesterday
is gone
just a memory
a building block
for tomorrow.

And honestly
I am not sure
if I am noticing
the change
more in them
or in myself.

They will forever
be my babies
I do know
this is true

and tomorrow
is so exciting
and shinning
and new.

I don't want
to go back
I don't really
want to stay
forward facing
is the only way.

I just see it
and I feel it


holding on
and letting go






  1. Beautiful. Such an internal conflict - the excitement of watching them grow, learn, change vs. the sadness of knowing they are getting bigger, more independent. They will always be your babies - that is true.

    Can I just say, when I read the title of this post I immediately thought that you m ust have had a bbq with the delicious diced pickle condiment! Then immediately realized that you meant the other meaning of the word relish!

    1. LOL... I kinda did it on purpose. Relish Summer! ;)


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