Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Spirit

Oh how I love
the Poppy flower
maybe because
it's color
is so brilliant

or maybe because
the flower looks like
a tissue paper art project

it could be because
they remind me
that I finished
my master's degree
since at that time
I purchased a print
of them and it hangs
on a wall in my home

or really
I just like their name
Pops, Papa, Poppy

I've been told
when they bloom
you can literally
stand and wait
watch and see
them unfold
their mystery.

In some ways
I feel like I do
exactly that
when I watch
my own little flowers
brilliantly bloom

sometimes even in
one precious moment
they unfold and reveal
their beautiful spirits
right before
my very eyes.

Summer fills
my spirit
I can truly feel
my spirit soar
in the warm glow
of the summer sun
and I can feel
the spirits of others
in the summer's
moments of fun.

He reaches
He touches
He loves

If time
stood still
they would be

More sweet
Summer Spirit
moving through
the cool blue

from water
to land
or rather the lawn

from one house
to another

Summer Spirit
is of laughter

is of fun

smiling faces
in the sun

Summer Spirit



there is something

in Summer

for everyone.


  1. My gosh your kids are sooo cute. They are both looking very grown up these days. Luving the summer pics as we are currently freezing here on the other side of the planet in Oz. I am wearing three pairs of socks and a pair of wooly boots and still have cold feet. Counting down the days till Summer :)

    1. That is too funny... I forget that not only is your day our night, but also your winter is our summer! I simply can not imagine a cold June or July, so crazy. :) What do your picturesque calenders look like for these months?! Well don't worry, soon enough you'll be soaking in the sun when I'm freezing! lol

  2. Love the pic of Easton mowing the lawn like a little man! So cute. What a fun post!!!

  3. Your kids are adorable, as always. Love the pics and the poetry (because when you write - it is definitely poetic). Enjoy every moment of your summer. When do you go back to school? We go back on August 12th, but I am in complete denial about that right now.

  4. I would like to know when your kids turned into toddlers. They were just babies 5 seconds ago. :) They are absolutely adorable.


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